
The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 Bc and Why It Had to Be Reborn

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 Bc and Why It Had to Be Reborn by Lucio Russo The book shows how the ancient Greek science, or rather, the Alexandrine science, was in facts a true science, even on the basis of the criteria of modern science; how this science was forgotten for 1500 years because even the best minds were no longer able to understand the content of the founding texts of that science, eventually submerged in oblivion. A book that helps us to understand who really were the giants before us and which also constitutes an important warning about the fact that the most important achievements can be lost a second time. I can say that I feel personally indebted to the author's excellent work because it gave me a clear understanding on how deep are the roots of the science we love and technology we use daily. Furthermore the book give us the opportunity to meditate on topics that are extraordinarily important to us: the miracolous path that guided the modern scientific knowledge; how fragile our achievements are.

-- Daniele Radogna

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