
Book: A Futurist's Manifesto : Essays from the Bleeding Edge of Publishing


Publisher: O'Reilly Media

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At one point I used to say: "I do research and development at the intersection of books and the web." I think I would call myself a literary technologist. I've spent the last decade at hacking around book culture and the web, building technologies and communities that bridge the world of the web with the world of books. Most recently I am the founder of, which is a on online tool that helps anyone create a well-designed books for print, and ebook distribution. I'm the founder of, a volunteer community that has built the largest library of free, public domain audiobooks in the world, and I am the co-editor, with Brian O'Leary, of, "Book: A Futurist's Manifesto – Essays from the bleeding edge of publishing." I live in and work in Montreal, Canada.

-- Hugh McGuire

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